While online betting is one of the most profitable businesses on the planet, the main, if not the only, beneficiaries are the large centralized online gaming operators that run the industry. Well, not anymore. A new platform and dApp referred to as Kryptium is now allowing online gamers from all over the world to connect with each and place bets – this peer-to-peer gaming model eliminates the need for a centralized odds-makes otherwise referred to as the ‘house’. This means that is possible for almost anyone from any part of the world to connect and make bets with the new application.
How It Works
One of the most powerful features of the blockchain and crypto networks is their ability to connect people directly. The Kryptium dApp exploits this feature to allow gamblers to make event-based wagers on just about any event that they may want – these range from fantasy games, typical sporting events such as poker games to even the outcomes of popular TV shows such as Game of Thrones. Kryptium allows players to place three types of bet on upcoming events. These are:
Pool Bets. – These are the kind where players bet on the predicted outcomes with all the bets being placed into a single pool. The players whose bets correctly predict the outcome of the event then share the pool. Moreover, the odds for this type of bets are dynamic and are hence dependent on the number of players in the pool and the wager amounts that each of them places.
Head-to-Head Bets. – For this type bet, one of the players opens up a bet for which they define the odds that another player is supposed to match. This model is perhaps the purest one in existence since the gamblers are completely free from any unfavorable and centrally defined odds.
Multi-Player Bets. – If you are a high roller, then this kind of bets will best suit you. In this case, the player who defines the odds does the same as they would in the Head-to-Head bets but this time, multiple players are required to match.
The Perks
Other than the aforementioned bet options, Kryptium customers are also treated to even more perks that are not provided by the traditional online betting platforms. For instance, the players can expect top-notch security not just because the dApp is based on the Ethereum blockchain but also because the platform has gone out of its way to further enhance it to ensure that player funds are protected.
Furthermore, customers will also appreciate the platform’s transparency, the exception user interface that it offers, the extremely low commissions as well as the advanced level of control that it gives them. That is very hard to beat.