
Regulated Video Slots: Missouri’s Next Big Bet

Legislators in Missouri have taken steps to legalize and regulate video lottery terminals (VLTs), a move poised to shake up the state’s gambling sector quite a bit. Following its recent approval by the Missouri House Emerging Issues Committee, a new measure is set to be introduced with the intention of licensing and taxing the hundreds of unregulated video slot machines that are now operating inside the state.

Taking Control

For years, unregulated video slot machines have operated in gas stations, bars, and truck stops, existing in a legal gray area. These machines, which pay out cash prizes but lack official oversight, have generated controversy over their legality and impact. The proposed bill seeks to eliminate this uncertainty by requiring all unregulated machines to either transition into the state’s video lottery system or be removed within 18 months.

Operators of VLTs would be subject to licensing and regulation by the Missouri Lottery, which would also be responsible for monitoring the sector for conformity with federal and state regulations. By making the market more open and transparent, this change is expected to reduce or eliminate the dangers of unregulated gambling and provide players with a safer, more equitable gaming experience.

But what about the money? Well, legalizing and regulating the lucrative video slot sector will certainly generate substantial revenue for the state. A fiscal analysis estimates that once fully implemented, the regulated video lottery system could contribute approximately $404 million annually to government revenues. Missouri is very ambitious with its plans to create a sustainable revenue stream while supporting local businesses that rely on gaming income.

To put this into perspective, the bill proposes a revenue-sharing structure that allocates:

  • 34% to state and local governments, primarily for education programs
  • 34% to the companies providing the terminals
  • 33% to retail locations hosting the machines

Mixed Reactions from Stakeholders

Unsurprisingly, the new bill has sparked debate among industry stakeholders. Missouri’s casino operators have historically opposed the expansion of VLTs outside of their licensed locations, arguing that it could dilute revenue from traditional casino gaming. The Missouri Gaming Association, for instance, has voiced strong opposition to legalizing video slots outside of casinos, fearing that widespread VLTs could impact their market share.

On the other hand, video lottery vendors see regulation as an opportunity to solidify their presence in the state’s gaming ecosystem. Companies like Torch Electronics, a major provider of unregulated machines, will need to decide whether to comply with the new framework or exit the market. The ongoing legal disputes over the definition of “games of chance” further complicate the regulatory landscape.



Metal and Rock-Themed Slot Machines Are Now a Thing

Since the dawn of online slot games, music has not been front and center of the general themes of the games even though it is impossible to deny the fact that sounds take the gaming experience to a whole new level. In fact, today almost every slot machine title has a special soundtrack accompanying the amazing graphics and smooth animations. But that is definitely not all. Now, there is a new trend where online gaming sites offer video slot games based on popular musicians and bands.

Almost all of the existing slot machine titles are inspired by popular culture, that is, players will come across video slot games based on sports, movies, celebrities, and other classic characters. In general, there is always something for everyone. Well, almost everyone. Innovation in the gaming space has seen to it that there is a variety of different kinds of games that players can choose from.

Music-themed video slot games are a newer addition to the online slot machine space and they are gaining more popularity by the day particularly because of the diverse nature of music and the artists themselves. Even so, metal and rock music have often trailed behind in this regard but things are changing with more developers catering to rock and metal fans through the development of video slot games depicting various elements of the culture. The choices are still rather tight but some of these slot machine games will definitely appeal to rock n roll and metal famous primarily because they are inspired by famous music icons and bands. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Jimi Hendrix

As its name suggests, this NetEnt video slot is inspired by Jimi Hendrix and is meant for people who enjoyed the artist’s music. Not only does it come with all the impressive graphics and animations that NetEnt slot machine titles are famous for but it also features a number of exclusive features that make it a truly outstanding reel spinning experience.

Guns N’ Roses

Released in early 2016 by NetEnt, this slot machine game was inspired by the band’s 30 birthday and made in collaboration with the Bravado International Group. The game is well-made in nearly all aspects and offers players the chance to experience a whole new dimension of interaction with one of the most legendary rock bands of all time. To put this into perspective, players can actually play on a live stage and enjoy spinning the reels as the crowd cheers. Furthermore, players also get to listen to the band’s music as they play.


This game (also from NetEnt) brings another iconic band to the palms of players’ hands. Expect to be blown away especially if you are a fan of heavy metal music.